Wooden clock faces are in!

Here’s an ode to blue painters tape – it peels easily, doesn’t leave residue on walls, or on your bank statements – it’s like $1 per linear kilometer. Needless to say whenever we’re building something at home – be it furniture, or prototype of some new product, a roll of this stuff is usually on hand nearby. My 38lb Recurve Bow has bits of it on its sightrail to mark target distances, the model airplanes get clad in it on their way to the spraypaint booth, and of course, it’s a regular fixture during laser cutting, particularly when the material is slightly bowed. The unfortunate side effect of the latter of course is that the Epilog is dotted with bits of blue tape. And even though we don’t usually color coordinate our photos, the strip of tape on this one is so glaring that I feel like we might as well shot it in black and white. But at the same time the new Walnut and Birch clock faces are so rich and vibrant in texture that I’m willing to live with the splash of blue disrupting the parade from below.