LA Landmark selection: 2022

Dear friends!

Some of you may recall a thing we did almost exactly one year ago, when we were trying to choose the next three landmarks to be featured on our snowflakes for the winter season. We criss-crossed LA on foot, bike, car or otherwise in efforts to document the buildings that make LA the beautiful chaos that it is. Found a tone of them, then decided what the hell do we know – there are almost 4 Million other Angelinos who likely know things we don’t. So we opened up the selection process to all of you, and I would be remiss to say the results were anything short of spectacular. Well, we’re hitting the fast forward button to end of August 2022, and listening out for the proverbial tape to stop with a hollow plastic click. And now we press play!

The LA Landmark selection for 2022 is officially on! And you are all invited to participate in the qualifying round. Use the fields below to let us know what local edifice of historic notoriety and aesthetical grandeur you feel to be most deserving of appearing on one of our three holiday ornaments this year!

type in a landmark / building that you would like to see as a this year’s holiday kaleidoscope oranament!